NDIS Info & Resources

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start - Nido Qubein

What is the NDIS?

A Revolutionary Approach To Care

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is helping people all over Australia living with disability to access support that makes a positive difference to their lives. Without it, many people would not be able to receive the care they need. The NDIS has been a lifeline to many - it provides funding for all eligible candidates so they can pay for various supports such as assistive technology, mobility aids, physiotherapy, disability accommodation, overnight care and more. Service providers like Nena Cares help participants to access all benefits of the NDIS and live an independent, fulfilling life.

Visit the NDIS Website

NDIS Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for NDIS funding, you must be living in Australia as a citizen, permanent resident or with a protected special category visa. Furthermore, you must be between 7 and 65 years old. You will also have to provide proof of a permanent or significant disability to qualify for the NDIS. If you or your family require supports to help you live an independent, healthy life, this will increase your eligibility for funding. You can visit the NDIS website for further details about eligibility criteria and to find out how to apply to become a participant.

NDIS Frequently Asked Questions

Nena Cares aims to make your access to the NDIS as easy as possible, so we’ve compiled this useful list of frequently asked questions to help clarify some things for you. If you have specific questions and can’t find the answers here, feel free to get in touch with us for further information.

  • How do I get started with the NDIS?

    The best way to start is by checking your eligibility here. If you qualify, you can then apply for NDIS funding on the phone by calling 1800 800 110 or fill out the access request form.

  • How do I put my plan together?

    You will have a planning meeting with the NDIS to discuss your support needs and your funding options. They will help you to put a plan together to help you achieve your goals.

  • Can I change my plan?

    Yes, you may change your plan at any time by making a formal request with the NDIS if your needs change. Every plan is automatically reviewed after 12 months.

  • What will I be funded for?

    The funding you receive depends on your individual needs at the time of meeting with your NDIS planning consultant. A support coordinator can also help to liaise with the NDIS on your behalf to make sure you receive the best supports for your disability requirements. Whether it’s accommodation, overnight nursing or assistive technology, your needs must be deemed reasonable and necessary to qualify for funding.

  • Can the NDIS provide high intensity care?

    The NDIS funds supports for all levels of care from basic to complex needs. Speak to your service provider or chat to us at Nena Cares if you require high-intensity support. We can also refer you to service providers and allied health professionals in the community for specialised needs.

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